Pathways & Levels

The Association of Facilitators (AoF) offer four pathways to accreditation:

The pathway that you choose, and therefore the focus of the accreditation process, will depend on your training and experience.

Pathway Consider this pathway if Accreditation
1. AoF Training … you want to be trained in facilitation
… at one of three levels
Self and Peer Assessment and Accreditation (SAPA)
Accreditation against FACETS® is integrated into all AoF training programmes.
Short courses provide credit towards accreditation.
2. Non AoF Training … you have undertaken facilitation training with another organization which we have already recognised as equivalent to ours in competencies, standards and outcomes. Application Submission: Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)
Full credit, or part-credit, is awarded using the FACETS® framework
3. Practioner Accreditation … you require no formal training (or no more formal training)
… you have experience as a facilitator and are able to provide evidence
Portfolio and Interview at Accreditation Day: Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning (APeL)
Preparation of portfolio. Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and Accreditation of Prior Experience and Learning (APeL) will be used to award full or part credit
The focus will be on highlighting the basis of the applicant’s claim against AoFs FACETS and Generic Competence frameworks.
4. Experienced Practioner Accreditation … your approach and  practice as a facilitator is  well‐established and  evidenced e.g.  publications, public  recognition, contribution  to the facilitation  profession.  Interview 
Review of  contribution and rationale  for aligning with AoF’s advancement of the facilitation profession. 

What Level of Accreditation should I be applying for?

We offer three Levels of Accreditation - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3. As well as providing a path for Continuing Professional Development, these levels recognise the different skill sets and contexts in which individual facilitators practice. It is possible to be awarded a Level 1 Accreditation with evidence of Level 2 (or even 3) practice, or a Level 2 Accreditation with elements of Level 3 practice. Examples are available to download.

The Level at which you are seeking accreditation is stated as part of your Accreditation Profile). No two facilitators will have exactly the same Profile although they may be Accredited at the same level. Your Level, as part of your profile, will indicate your areas of competence as a facilitator and path for development. For some facilitators, progress to the next level may not be desired or appropriate.

Facilitators can discover and develop depth in their facilitation practice through the accreditation process and through continuing development post-accreditation. You do not have to move up a level in order to progress in your competency and skill as a facilitator.

The following table attempts to help you distinguish between the Levels of Accreditation you may be applying for. Once you have an idea of your Level, do discuss this with your AoF support person. There will be a greater volume and depth of evidence required as you make claims for higher credit.