Code of Practice

The Association of Facilitators (AoF) provides a wide range of opportunities and resources for members to develop the skills, values and ethics that underpin their own facilitation practice, including our FACETS® Facilitator Competency Model and three levels of Facilitator Accreditation.  

This Code of Practice is a key resource to support members of the Association in their delivery of high standards of facilitation to client groups and to build healthy contracts and relationships with clients, colleagues and a wider support network.

All Affiliate and Accredited Members are required to indicate their acceptance of and adherence to this Code of Practice as a condition of their membership.  The Code of Practice covers the following areas:

  1. Jurisdiction
  2. Intention
  3. Client Relationships
  4. Contracting
  5. Client Service
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Professional Competence
  8. Co-Working
  9. Supervision
  10. Compliance
  11. Research
  12. Promotion & Reputation

This Code of Practice is subject to periodic review by the Association of Facilitators, and amendments will be informed through dialogue with members and clients.  

Click here to view a full copy of the Association of Facilitator's Code of Practice.

Updates to this Code of Practice will be notified to Affiliate and Accredited Members by email, so please ensure that your Member Details are up to date.

Affiliate and Accredited Members will receive a 'client-ready' version of this Code of Practice to support their proposals, contracts and ongoing communication with any clients or individuals they work with or wish to work with.