Group Dynamics is a short course that will immerse you in the ebb and flow of human relations, raising awareness of the deeper issues that influence group behaviour, and developing facilitator skills that access the group dynamic and maximise learning from experience. It is designed for those who want to work at depth with groups, and for those wish to enhance their skill when managing difficult situations, raising awareness and leading change.
In this two day workshop you will explore your personal process as a group member and the direct impact that this has on your facilitator style in the full range of groups, clients and situations that you might work with. You will become aware of the effect that prevailing group and system dynamics has on you, including; your attitudes, assumptions, personal triggers and defences. Time is given to explore the nature of projection and transference, and to developing personal strategies for handling them. You will become more comfortable in handling situations as they emerge, and more aware of the subtle influence that you have on a group, and vice versa.
We will explore your role as group facilitator using a range of theoretical models such as Basic and Sophisticated Workgroups (Bion), Power, Hierarchy and Interventions (Heron), Team Dysfunction (Lencioni), Organisational Gestalt (Nevis et al), FIRO-B (Schultz) as well as more traditional models such as Stages of Group Development (Tuckman and Jensen) and core concepts of organisational and systems theory. Practical facilitation skills will include:
This is for all facilitators who wish to work explicitly with Group Dynamics whether the purpose is developmental, business-related, educational, community-building, problem solving or restorative. Typically, people who attend are:
The cost of this two day open course is £780. This price includes VAT, lunch and all course materials but does not include an overnight stay (approximately £80-100pn). This module can be taken with the module as part of the programme leading to accreditation.
If you are interested in attending please also read the information for participants and complete the application form.