Learning Days are an excellent opportunity for all facilitators (new, experienced and occasional) to meet, review and share good practice.  They offer a rich day of enquiry, collaborative learning and a gentle stretch. Participants leave with new ideas, resources and a refreshed practice having made and renewed connections.

Cost are £80 members, £100 non-members (no VAT), and lunch and refreshments are provided. Timings are 10.00-16.00 for in-person meetings at Highfield Park, Hook, or 10.00-13.00 for short skills session (online, with pre-reads/post-workshop material by email).

Who should attend a Learning Day?

These days are open to all AoF members who are able to use the learning as ‘credit’ towards re-accreditation.  These days also offer a ‘taster’ for those who are new to AoF and wish to work and learn in a collaborative environment.  Do share details with those you know and feel free to come along if you want to find out more about the Association of Facilitators.

What will I learn?

Most of our Learning Days have a focus on skills or methods that will be useful for facilitators.

‍Topics that we have covered in the past have included:

  • An introduction to working with constellations
  • How can the outdoors help us be better facilitators?
  • Action Learning
  • Working with Diversity
  • Lego Serious Play
  • Credibility and impact as a facilitator
  • Members Showcase
  • Gestalt-informed bodywork for facilitators
  • The use of drama in facilitation

Calendar Events

24 June 2024 - Advanced Practical Constellations

This is an opportunity for those experienced with working and facilitating at depth to work through issues/case-studies using a group constellations method, facilitated by Bella Mehta.

The main focus of the day is on the practical experience of facilitated constellations to map and resolve issues rather than on teaching of the constellations method. (But if you wish to learn about facilitating using this method, you can read more here and attend the Learning Day: introduction to working with constellations (see below))

The method is highly suitable for a variety of issues that facilitators, managers and leaders encounter or wish to explore, for example resistance, conflict, presence, defences, projections, patterns, and relationships between work and home, drives, motivations, values, ambitions and how we show up in groups.

As well as the joys and knocks of ‘normal life’, the so-called ‘heavy fates’ in early life (such as bereavement, divorce) can affect how we progress through our life and how we 'show up' in groups in matters of success, money, health, self-esteem, creativity, love, status and wisdom.

Constellations work also allows us to extend this inner work outwards, exploring our connections and feelings of ‘belonging’, purpose and meaning within work, communities, religions, nature, countries, nations, the environment, migration of people, ecosystems, earth, and global and environmental issues.

We will have time for perhaps 3 or perhaps 4 constellations and you will be able to indicate your interest in being an issue-holder and/or representative and/or observer in advance or on the day.  

If you are interested in attending please email Bella directly to book.  £175/£225 + VAT members/non-members to include lunch and refreshments.

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16 September 2024 – Gestalt informed bodywork for facilitators

This is a 3 hour bodywork workshop to be held online via Zoom led by AoF Board Member, Professor Paul Barber. This will be of particularly interest to facilitators who are working at depth and also to those from other contexts and modalities working in a therapeutic mode who are curious about Gestalt, mindfulness and the transpersonal aspects of facilitation.

Those enrolling in the workshop will receive an introductory paper in preparation for the workshop and a follow up paper will be circulated post-workshop to reinforce its material & the learning presented. With these handouts you may continue to explore & experiment with further learning following your initial workshop experience.   By way of introduction, Paul writes:

“In the workshop I will demonstrate live practice so come prepared to volunteer! I will also address theoretical concerns & receive questions on theory & practice as necessary.”

Though this is a workshop on bodywork, because the body is largely unknown territory to us all, inaccessible through thought or reason, it may be seen as a manifestation of the void. We can't access nor control the void, though we can be led by it. The body is also wise. It cannot lie; it always exists in the now; it does not think or imagine what it is - it just is! Because I think in this way this workshop is also bound to address spirituality and the transpersonal, especially Zen. Which is merely a waking up to who and what you really are. So this workshop introduces you to 'The Body Way!'

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21 October 2024 – Critical Reflection – Sharpening the Blurred Edges

Few practitioners would doubt the importance of reflection, but in our fast-paced worlds we find ourselves pulled towards action. Facilitators are often ‘putting the brakes on’ so that decisions are better informed by critical reflection.

But what does critical reflection look like? Is there value in rumination and introspection? Or is this an overindulgence? How do facilitators cultivate an awareness among groups of the cognitive and emotional processes that lead to greater professional competence and confidence?

In this workshop, we’ll take time (yes, take time) to consider how we balance thinking and doing. Our commitment, as facilitators, to experiential learning is an acknowledgment that the messiness and unpredictability of real-world practice demands a kind of knowing that is flexible, adaptive, and continually evolving.

We anticipate that this Learning Day will,

  • Balance reflection and action in our facilitator style
  • Explore the difference between reflecting on ourselves, observing others, and timely action
  • Provide tools, techniques, and shared experience
  • Examine a theoretical and philosophical ground for facilitators

The workshop will be participatory and we will use the following models to guide our learning, action inquiry (Torbert), forms of knowledge (Heron), and reflective practice (Schön). Of course, we will also be guided by one another's experience, so do come ready to participate in what will be a rich learning experience.

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17 March 2025 – An Introduction to Working with Constellations

This Learning Day will provide an introduction to working with Constellations.  The Constellations approach allows individuals to explore the quality of connections, and enhances our skills for effective relationships within groups, organisations and wider systems.

It is a gentle and connected way of working and even short sessions can bring fresh perspective and insight in surprising and practical ways.  As well as learning some of the basic principles of working with organisational and systemic constellations, we will offer space to experiment with applying the approach to real-world situations and dynamics.  A short closing session will link the day’s learning with your facilitation practice, whatever shape or stage you are at.

The Constellations approach is a visual and spatial way of working that combines insights from family therapy (Bert Hellinger), Transactional Analysis, Gestalt and other humanistic and psychodynamic approaches.

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What is the next one and how do I book?

We generally hold two full in-person Learning Days a year – one in March and one in October and we host several short skills sessions online in between. See Calendar for our scheduled dates and topics, and follow us on LinkedIn.

Places are limited so please book early to secure a place. To book, please email us or call us on 0203 282 7128.

You'll leave feeling restored, energised, and inspired.